Novel Drugs for Resistant Bugs

Reduced antibiotic efficacy against infections has broad health, social and economic impacts, including severely constrained therapy options for people undergoing state of the art medical procedures. For more than a decade, we have been developing a new type of antimicrobial drug paradigm that can mitigate the impact of antimicrobial resistance on the prevailing antibiotic therapies.

image of biofilm




Antimicrobial resistance, generally known by the acronym as AMR, has been acknowledged ever since the discovery of antibiotics. Bacteria carrying genes conferring resistance to a classic antibiotic, are readily isolated among billions of their sensitive counterparts simply by selective growth in the presence of the antibiotic. Nowadays, genetic marker elements of resistance are traceable among millions of unrelated bacteria in the environment and in higher organisms by “deep sequencing” methodologies.

Nevertheless, I consider those well-known and traceable antibiotic markers, including their mode of actions, as the low hanging fruits of understanding the complexity of AMR; they constitute the tip of a gigantic iceberg representing nature’s evolution of potential resistance mechanisms. With the emerging failure of the present antibiotics, WHO calls for immediate action to preserve their power. A large fraction of today’s prevalent infections develops in parallel with demographic changes, misuse of antibiotics and a substantial increase in modern medical procedures.

Similar to the pharmaceutical industry, many scientists and clinicians don’t seem to acknowledge the contribution and importance of the biofilm life-mode to the developing AMR crisis. Bacteria that form biofilms during infection are in a high AMR life-mode. At CBC this is taken into account in our contemporary drug development and effective intervention principles. I find it critical to inspire pharma to restart the antimicrobial drug discovery process with new concepts, new targets, and new types of chemical entities to fill the clinical need for efficient antimicrobial treatment options in support of antibiotic stewardship.










  • Sygeforsikringen Danmark
  • Innoexplorer
  • Cystic Fibrosis Trust UK
  • Novoseed
  • Research and Innovation Fund
  • FTP
  • Lundbeck Foundation
  • FNU
  • Kemira
  • Kirsten & Freddy Johansens Research Prize
  • Novoseed
  • Villum-Kann Rasmussen Foundation
  • DSF 
  • FTP















Major Domestic Partners

Research is done in close collaboration with: Prof. Tim Tolker-Nielsen and his team at Costerton Biofilm Center :: Assoc. Prof. Katrin Qvortrup and her team at the Chemical Biology Group at DTU :: Prof. Claus Moser and his team at Costerton Biofilm Center and the Clinical Microbiology Department at Rigshospitalet :: Assoc. Prof. Daniel Midjord-Belstrøm at Department of Odontology.

Major International partners

Prof Alain Filloux, Director of SCELSE, Singapore

Prof Urs Jenal, Biocentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland

Dr. Florentin Constancias, Department of Health Sciences and Technology, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Prof Roland Seifert, Hannover Medical School, Germany.

Prof Paul Williams, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Prof Liang Yang, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China






Professor Michael Givskov

Michael Givskov


Staff list

Name Title Phone E-mail
Andersen, Jens Bo Associate Professor +4535320649 E-mail
Givskov, Michael Professor +4535327855 E-mail
Nielsen, Thomas Eiland Affiliate Professor E-mail